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Cleaning At Christmas

Christmas holidays are upon us and this can mean the influx of family, friends and… mess! It’s hard to avoid at this time of year. Visitors are coming and going, you’re in and out of the house – not to mention Christmas day and all the rubbish left behind from gifts. Keeping on top of this mess is easy if you have a few days off and set aside a few hours to get things in order.

Organisation is key to avoid a Christmas rubbish blow out over the holidays. Before friends and family arrive it’s a good idea to have extra rubbish bins organised for recycling. Try going to your local supermarket and see if they have any big boxes spare. You can line these with garbage bags and assign each one to a specific recycling purpose: glass, plastic and paper and cardboard. Scraps should remain kept in a bid with a lid to avoid pests. Make sure your guests are aware of your rubbish bin policy and make sure they recycle in the correct areas.

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You may want to have a clean out of cupboards and drawers. Christmas is a great time to give to charity. Any items that have been sitting unused in your cupboard since last Christmas are probably a good place to start. Are you holding onto a lot of unused momentos? Choose your favourite items and discard the rest. Collecting is the path toward clutter and clutter is hard to keep clean. The less ‘stuff’ you have in your house the less dusting and polishing you need to do! Prior to guests arriving, it’s time to move the bed and vacuum underneath, open up the cupboards and dust the shelves and check the ceiling cornice for spiderwebs. Get a list of cleaning items together that are essential for cleaning and can be carried around with you as you guy.
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A glass, wet and dusting cloth are invaluable cleaning tools. Choose glass cleaner and a general disinfectant along with a bucket of water to carry with you. This will enable you to clean skirting, windows, tracks, sills and surfaces – these items should really cover everything you need to clean in your guests bedroom and around the house. See if you can clear space for guests to place their items so they’re not leaving these on the floor. Placing a laundry basket in your guests bedroom or designated area is a good idea to keep items where they should be and not on the floor.

Try to prepare a few meals in advance to avoid messy cooking in the kitchen. Cooking the classic roast is a good option as there is always enough leftovers to eat over the following days. However, a barbecue with large bowls of a variety of salad can also be left for the coming days and is healthy and delicious. Having food pre-prepared in the fridge means less washing up. Designated meal times are a good way to keep kitchen raiders at bay but as family and friends may want to snack over the Christmas break leave a bowl of chips and dip out to avoid people going through the cupboards in the kitchen.

On Christmas Day you may want to bring a clean bin inside for the discarded wrapping paper and packaging. Again, you could have a couple of options – one for paper and one for plastic. Ensure packaging is recycled correctly (and quickly) by placing items in the rubbish as you unwrap or straight after the gift festivities.

Hopefully these few preparation tips help to ensure you have fun over the Christmas holidays and have less cleaning chores to do.

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